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Vivian Stories
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FeldieJournals' 2nd Anniversary!!
The shop started in March 2015. The first journal I sold was to Jeopardy. It was a whopping 3 cm A5 one with the deep red kimono...
The Units of Reality
Tablespoons of coffee Fresh milk Cut fruit and vegetables in a silicone box My row of plants The occasional DIY mocha Endless notebooks...
Picnic Lunch by the Kamo River and Tea Time at Terrace Cafe 新京極
Cynical, Jeopardy and Vengeful picnicking by the Kamogawa and then taking tea at a super-packed cutesy cafe in the shopping street area...
Breakfast by Chef Jeopardy
Sooo good Our menu:- scrambled eggs with a side of mushrooms yoghurt - plain and with aloe vera apple banana panettone - in the middle of...
Kawaramachi and Gion in Kyoto
グチャ寝グチャ寝,いい生活だね〜 Eat and sleep, eat and sleep. What's great life~ The stuff of holidays! More to come this weekend! Yehhhhhh!!
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