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Pilgrimage to Israel


Day 1: Today is Mon Mar 07 2015

Caesarea, North-west Israel by the Mediterranean Sea 
Two millennia ago, the thriving international port of Caesarea was where the Holy Spirit moved Cornelius and Peter to start sharing the Gospel with the Gentiles. It is also the site where Paul started to share the Gospel and made three trips by sea around the area. His message included the point that circumcision was not important, but being made new in God was key; Paul's persistence of this change led to persecution by the Jewish people following God's old law. Today, the port of Caeserea lies in ruins, with the coliseum mostly intact and the seaside home gone. It takes some imagination to see the place as a major port that gave access to Rome, other parts of Italy, Europe, Africa and Asia. 
Acts 10:1-6, 18:18-22 and 25:1-7 

Mount Carmel 
This is the site of the battle between the prophet Elijah and the hundreds of false prophets. It is also claimed to overlook the plains where the battle of Armageddon will take place. Napoleon himself looked down from Mt. Carmel and declared it to be an ideal place for battle. Who knows? 
1 Kings 18:17-24 and verses 41-45 
2 Kings 2:9-11 and verse 25; 4:25-27 
Annunciation Basilica, Nazareth 
This is where the angel told Mary she would bear Jesus Christ. It was known among young teenagers that someone would give birth to the Messiah, but she was surprised and incredulous to have been chosen for the honour. She would have been around 14 years old at the time. 
Luke 1:26-38 and verses 46-55



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