The Term That Never Ended...
By all logic and design, this holiday would have started yesterday at noon, but it was not to be. My exam marking did not wrap up on Tuesday night. It's still not wrapping up, but at least the end of it is in sight.
What is the cause of this delay? Denial, largely. Denial since late August that workdays inevitably follow, meaning procrastination at night through web tinkering (ongoing), reading, Facebook and so on, causing a domino effect on the next day particularly sluggishness and inefficiency. And it still hasn't ended. I still feel slightly tinged and slow as a robot running low on juice.
I am sitting next to three reams of exam scripts. That's three of these:

1500 sheets. Schools definitely keep paper mills in business.
The end of this is so close... 2018 is so close... I really hope the second term is less crazy. I miss having a life.