Updates and Summer
Have been updating the site these last few hours - happy to announce the revamped reviews and making a journal section! Check it out and add a review! After all this experience, I find there is always something more to do... dozens of apps I could put on the website (just found an FAQ app and duly added a section to the shop site!), new fabrics and stitching to try out, changing the printing designs, experimenting with different grades of paper and purposes for the journals, improving the business model... And - I can't believe it! - you can make a members only page on this thing!
For now, I have a few more custom orders to fulfill, and then FeldieJournals will be closed for a week or so. Following that, it's going to be a few more custom orders and then a longer rest... Have set aside the novel for too long and SS has just giving me some great leads and structure to give weight to the premise of the story of the bird people. Awesomeness!